Nashville, TN I will be hanging with the super excellent staff of Black 13 Tattoos June 1st-3rd 2017. I’m here for a very limited time, so make sure to get ahold of me to book your...
Thank you to Expertise for putting me in the top 16! And thank you to my clients who keep me busy, and to my friends and co-workers for the lessons, critiques, and support! And thank you to Tom Kovak for a place to call home and keeping the lights on!
The holidays have arrived, which means you are probably running around trying to find that perfect gift… Well look no further! I have the answer for you, a wonderful, high gloss, rounded cornered, sexy, 30mil plastic gift card to everyones favorite bearded...
Ladys and Gents! September is the turn of the seasons!!! Time to get tattooed. I have a few openings left in September, hurry in and snatch those spots! Cheers!